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Working For Your Good

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Credit Fix Process

E.A. JEZ & Associates makes the process easy and effective for our clients. Our services are so effective that we have a full money-back guarantee. Credit repair has never been so fast and reliable. We’ll sit down with you and give you a detailed understanding of the process and what we’ll accomplish with you.

Our credit repair experts discuss your goals and needs

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Our credit repair experts analyze your past credit history

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We contact and dispute negative or inaccurate listings

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We help you monitor your credit score for changes

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We restart the credit fix process as needed

What Does E.A. JEZ & Associates Do?

E.A. JEZ & Associates leverages your consumer rights and our unparalleled experience to engage the credit bureaus and your individual creditors. The difficult process requires we look into your financial history and find questionable negative items. Then we work on your behalf to remove questionable negative items from your credit reports. Together, we can fix your credit score quickly and easily. Just contact us today!

People Working Together

How Does Credit Repair Work?

"Cogs and gears

E.A. JEZ & Associates makes credit repair easy for you. Stop worrying about your bad credit. Simply send us a copy of your credit reports, we will help you find which items should be disputed, and you sit back and relax while our team goes to work on your case. Repairing credit is a group process however, and we may need to ask questions and work with you one step at a time for some of the process.

What Does Credit Repair Cost?

Your credit score is a key factor in determining the interest rates you pay for cars, mortgages, credit cards, and other loans. For two minimal payments of $275, you can get help taking action on the credit files that largely dictate your monthly interest payments. You also get your own personal contact, whenever you have any questions regarding credit information or need help understanding a negative on your bureau, you will be able to contact your own personal credit repair counselor.

Calculator and Notepad placed over Stack of Paper Bills

Whats Your Refund Policy?

If we fail to provide the agreed-upon services to you for any given month, you will not be billed for that month or will be refunded your fees for that month if your payment has already been processed. We pride ourselves on our money-back guarantees, and we can create results so quickly that we’re confident that you’ll never even need to worry about it.

Person Typing on Their Phone

Your Experts in Credit Repair

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Credit Repair

One of the most important things for any consumer is a good credit score. If your credit score is not good enough, you are at risk of ending up jobless, homeless, and paying high-interest rates. E.A. JEZ & Associates offers credit repair services that help increase your credit score and educate you on how to maintain good credit.

Why should you consider getting credit repair? Here is a list of reasons why:

  • Get a better job. Many companies check the credit reports of job applicants before hiring them. If your credit score is low, they may not hire you. It is especially common among financial and government companies.
  • Purchase a new car. Auto lenders also check credit scores. If you have bad credit, it means you may not be able to afford car repairs or buy a new set of tires. It is easier to get approved for a car loan with a good credit score and get a lower interest rate.
  • Have a higher credit limit. If you pay your bills on time, there is a good chance that your credit limit will be increased. If your credit is not good enough, the opposite may happen and creditors will decrease your credit limit.
  • Get a home. Most people want to own a home at a certain stage of their lives. However, it is an expensive prospect. If you do not have enough cash to purchase without a mortgage, you will have to apply for a loan. In most cases, applicants with bad credit scores do not get approved. Even if they do, they receive an extremely high interest rate that costs them thousands of dollars. Therefore, if you are thinking of becoming a homeowner, consider getting credit restoration first.
  • Starting your business. If you are thinking of starting your own business, you should understand that it requires capital. Most entrepreneurs have to apply for a loan to get their businesses off the ground. But an entrepreneur with bad credit may not get approved for a loan and will have to say goodbye to his business dream.

Credit Score

Your credit score is one of the main factors that lenders take into consideration when you apply for a mortgage, loan, or credit card. A credit score is a three-digit number that is calculated based on the credit report. It determines your credit health, so you should expect a credit check every time you apply for a loan or credit card. If your credit history indicates such things as late payments, high credit usage, or any defaults, you may not get approved for new credit options in the future.

What Is a Good Credit Score?

There are several credit bureaus and reporting agencies that use different scoring models. However, the major scoring models range from 300 to 850. For example, according to FICO, the classification looks like this:

  • 300-640 is very poor. Credit applicants with this credit score may not be approved for credit at all.
  • 640-680 is fair. Applicants with this score are considered to be subprime borrowers.
  • 680-720 is good. It is the average national credit score. This credit score indicates that an applicant is quite responsible with their credit and pays their bills on time. With this score, you will probably get approved for average rates, but some types of credit may still be unavailable to you.
  • 720-800 is very good. If you have this credit score, you will most likely receive better rates from lenders. You also have a better chance of getting a favorable interest rate.
  • 800-850 is exceptional. Applicants with the highest credit score are known for their excellent credit usage behavior. They are at the top of the list for the best rates from lenders.

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Feedback from Clients

Why you should hire us.

"You're a magician, a guru, a master of this credit art! I never knew you could not only fix my credit but help me keep it fixed. I would recommend you to any and everyone. You changed the game for me and gave me more than I expected. Well worth the money and more."

- Blake H.

"My experience with Eli and his credit solutions business was more than what I would have hoped for! Not only did he explain credit in a way that was understandable, he provided tips and resources that pointed me in the right direction! I never felt alone or left high and dry in the process! With his wealth of knowledge and his leadership, my credit is better than ever! Having great credit brings a sense of security and thanks to Eli, I have that now!!!! Thank you Eli!!!!"

-Lauren M.

"Throughout the process, E.A. JEZ provided clear explanations of the steps involved in repairing my credit and kept me updated on the progress. They offered valuable advice on managing my finances better and maintaining a healthy credit profile in the future. Their communication was prompt, courteous, and supportive, making me feel comfortable reaching out whenever I had questions or needed clarification."

-Josue M.

Contact Us

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PO Box 384 Howey In The Hills, FL 34737

(123) 456-7890


Office Hours

Monday to Friday

9:00 am to 6:00 pm


9:00 am to 12 noon

Closed on Sundays

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Building your credit score can be a challenging, but very important and rewarding process. In order to increase your score, you should make your monthly payments on time, pay more than the minimum payment, keep your credit card balances as low as possible, and apply for credit only when you need it.

If your credit is lower than you want it to be and you want to increase it, credit repair is what you should consider. At E.A. JEZ & Associates, we offer credit repair services and credit education. Our mission is to help you improve your credit today in order to have a better future for you and your family tomorrow. Do you have any questions or want to know more? Feel free to contact us!